Monday, March 30, 2009

The Ghost of Bethany Cemetery, Mason County, Kentucky

In Eastern Mason County, Kentucky, there is a cemetery at the Bethany Christian Church. It is a small cemetery with only a few dozen graves. Most of the graves date between the early 1900’s to present day. The grounds are well kept, but I’m not sure that the church still has services. There are a variety of tombstones types in the cemetery from obelisk to small flat vertical rectangular stones. The church is a small frame one-story structure in the middle of the cemetery. An American flag flies on a 30 foot flagpole along the drive leading to the church.

Since I was very small I have heard stories of how one of the graves had a ghost that appeared at night. I have heard stories of many motorist that were startled as the ghostly image of a woman would appear on one of the obelisk as they drove along Cabin Creek Road.
My mother showed me where the grave was when I was a kid. On Decoration Day (Memorial Day) we would visit the cemeteries to decorate the graves of our family. We would go to Bethany to decorate the grave of Mary L. Hughes. The wife of John K. Weaver. They were my Great-great Grand parents. During the visits to the cemetery my mother would tell me the story of the apparition that had purportedly occurred and that the ghost had appeared on the tombstone of my Great-great Grand parents. My mother always told me that the was story that Mary was a person of such an unpleasant disposition that her image came out on her monument. Then she would always discount the story by referencing the poem that was on the tombstone. Saying, if she was so mean, why would anyone put such a lovely poem on their tombstone. Reading the poem again, I concur with my mother on the personality of Mary.

This is the poem on the tombstone.

Through all the pain she’d smile,
A smile of heavenly bliss,
And when the angles called her home,
She smiled farewell to the earth.

Heaven retainith now our treasure,
Earth the lonely casket kept,
And the sunbeam’s love to linger,
Where our smiled mother sleeps.

Weep not that her toils are over,
Weep not that her race is run,
God grant that we may rest as calmly,
When our work here is done.

Til then he yield with gladness,
Our mother to him to keep,
And rejoice in sweet assurance,
He givith his loved one sleep.

This poem was not attributed to anyone so I am not sure who authored it. Perhaps her husband or one of her children.

This is the side of the monument with the poem engraved upon it.

I have never personally witnessed the ghost but, I have heard this story from many different people, most not knowing that I had any personal relationship to the story. My sister who was a high school teacher in a neighboring county has had children in her classes tell the story when they would talk about local lore and legends. My sister would amaze the children when she would be able to finish the story with the details of the cemetery location as well as the fact that the woman was her Great Great Grandmother.

I have video taped the grave to document the story. When playing back the tape, the faint image of the torso of a woman appears on the monument. I did not notice any image while taping the site, only afterward while reviewing the tape was the image evident. everyone who has viewed the tape has seen the image. Perhaps the image is only noticed because we are looking for it, perhaps it a image created by light and the aging marble stone. Perhaps the image is the ghost.

In memory of:
John K. Weaver
November 7, 1867-January 26, 1916
Mary L Hughes, his wife
January 19, 1870-January 29, 1900

On July 5, 2003, I went and photographed the grave, I took 49 photographs, only 2 had any noticeable anomalies. Both anomalies appear to be orbs. Here are the photographs.
This is an photo of the side of the obelisk that the ghost appears on.

The stone is the middle obelisk monument in this photograph. This is one of many of the ghost stories in the area that I hope to document. If you look carefully, you can see an orb located between the 2 right obelisk and directly above the small stone between them.

I returned to the cemetery on October 31, 2003, at midnight to attempt to get further evidence of the ghost. I took several photos of the graveyard, particularly of the gravestone in question. Here is one of the photos.

Is this image, the “Ghost of Bethany”?

There was still no evidence of the ghost, my son and I were very comfortable in the cemetery, no unusual feelings. I took another photo of the stone, with this photo, we found many orbs, not exactly ghosts, but very interesting.

Are these orbs, “ghosts”

I returned back to Bethany on a ghost hunting mission on October 31, 2004 with my son, Tommy, and a friend Roger. We took many photographs, there were no anomalies, except for the image on the grave stone. Here is a photograph of that.

Once again, the image of Mary appears on the stone.
Here are links to articles that appeared in the Ledger Independent Newspaper about the Bethany Ghost.

Blue Licks State Park Ghost

On February 17, 2006, Blue Licks State Park sponsored a paranormal night. They had several guest from various paranormal groups. I was allowed to take my ghost hunting equipment into the museum to see what we could detect. I captured this on video and audio. To hear this, you will need to turn up the bass on the player. Starr Chaney from Psytech is speaking with the spirits as we are leaving for the night and getting ready to go lights out. I picked up a second deep voice saying "thank you" and at the same time an orb floats up to the ceiling. Now keep in mind this is in the dead of winter, no bugs should have been around at the time.

Baird Music Hall, Morehead, Kentucky

At Morehead State University, the main music building is called Baird Music Hall. I was always told that on the top floor on the East side that an old janitor's ghost still roams the hallways. I haven't investigated the building properly, but I have been up there with just a couple of friends after dark, this place is creepy. We didn't see a ghost, but didn't want to either. Many of the rooms are sound proof and the windows have been bricked over. If there is a ghost there, it wouldn't surprise me any.

The Lady of The Lake, Cave Run Lake, Rowan County, Kentucky

When I was in college, I was told of how if you want to Paragon Point at midnight on the full moon, that you could see the ghost of a lady in the lake. The story goes that as they built Cave Run Lake, they purchased land from local residents that would be flooded. The lady was suppose to have been left in one of the houses that were purchased, burned and later flooded. I have no way to verify any truth to the story. You were suppose to flash you head lights and sound your horn in a certain sequence and the lady would appear. I went to the point with a couple of friends, we tried various combinations of light and horn sequences, but we never saw anything.

My First Shadow Person

I was in the eighth grade. I was asleep in bed. I woke to a dark figure entering my room. It came towards my bed. I kept the covers tight to my face afraid that it might see that I was awake. The figure came to my bed, stepped on my bunk and got in the top bunk. It seemed to have weight, as that I saw the springs for the top bunk stretch downward as it would if a person were in it. I laid there in total fear. Sometime in the night I fell back to sleep. When I woke up, the upper bunk springs were no longer stretched. The bunk covers had not been disturbed. I went to the breakfast table and inquired as to whether anyone else had been in my room. Everyone denied having been there. To this day this event scares me. I don't know what got in that bed, but it wasn't anyone in the family.

My First Ghost Sighting, Fleming County, Kentucky

When I was in the forth grade, my grandmother fell and broke her hip. She developed pneumonia and her health gradually got worse. We had reached the point which we knew she was going to die. On evening we got a call, my father and mother left to go and see about her. They were gone until very early in the morning. After I went to sleep I was woke by a light in my bed room. The wall in my room was lit up in the shape of a person. After I saw it, the figure slowly faded. I found out the next day that it was about the same time my grandmother died. I will always think that she gave me one last visit as she passed on.