Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Column Of Fog
I was driving to work early one morning. As I was driving along US68 near Caswell's Corner, I came along a column of fog in the middle of the road. It was about 18 inches in diameter and 7 to 8 feet tall. I drove through it, but I was very uneasy about it. I wonder if it was a ghost.
The Disappearing Man
A few years back my wife and I were driving along KY 165 near Ewing. We came along a man as our car passed the man, my wife said "Where did he go?" I asked what did she mean. She said "That man disappeared. " I asked again, she reiteratd that the man had vanished. I turned the car around to look for the man, but we never could find him. One of the things about living in the Black Triangle area is that you never know what you are going to run across a paranormal event, usually when you least expect it.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Serpent Mound
On June 17th I made my 1st trip to Serpent Mound. My wife, daughter Sara and I went there to see the effigy. I was amazed. I never really imagined the size of it. It's over 4 football fields long. It's coils align with various Sun and Moon rising and settings through the year.
We went back a couple of days later to see the sunset on the Summer Solstice. This not an event to go to see if your Christian sensibilities are easily offended. There was a lot of people involved in various natural religions, such as, Wicca and Native American religions.
I went again with Roger Rice on July 5th for him to see it. We walked the path and trails around the serpent. We tested EMF around he serpent and found no anomalies. We tested compass results around the serpent. We found anomaly near the coils of the serpent's tail. We checked the compasses at a post marked with North. Everything was fine. We walked around the tail and as we stepped up on the stone path which crosses over the tail, I noticed that North was wrong on my compass. Roger wet over to the post so I could confirm my theory on the location of North. As he came back he noticed the compass on his IPhone was pointing the wrong way. My compass was pointing North-East as North and his IPhone was pointing North-West as North. We found no other anomalies. I suggest you avoid the heat of the Summer if you are going to the mound and try to enjoy and understand how historic this site is.
We went back a couple of days later to see the sunset on the Summer Solstice. This not an event to go to see if your Christian sensibilities are easily offended. There was a lot of people involved in various natural religions, such as, Wicca and Native American religions.
I went again with Roger Rice on July 5th for him to see it. We walked the path and trails around the serpent. We tested EMF around he serpent and found no anomalies. We tested compass results around the serpent. We found anomaly near the coils of the serpent's tail. We checked the compasses at a post marked with North. Everything was fine. We walked around the tail and as we stepped up on the stone path which crosses over the tail, I noticed that North was wrong on my compass. Roger wet over to the post so I could confirm my theory on the location of North. As he came back he noticed the compass on his IPhone was pointing the wrong way. My compass was pointing North-East as North and his IPhone was pointing North-West as North. We found no other anomalies. I suggest you avoid the heat of the Summer if you are going to the mound and try to enjoy and understand how historic this site is.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Our Visit to See the Sand Mountain Ghost Lights
Tommy, Roger and I went to try to find the Sand Mountain Ghost Lights. We went on September 5th, 2010. We met in Mt. Sterling at McDonalds and left one car at Walmart, we then headed out of town on SR 460 towards Means. We drove up and down all the local roads around the Sand Mountain area looking for access to the mountain. We found that you can't get to the mountain itself without passing through private property. Also, the roads that do go up on the mountain are old logging type roads, which you couldn't drive a good vehicle up. So we tried to find a good location to see the mountain and have a good view. We found a good location along the road was a cemetery which was not closed at night. We waited there until it was completely dark and scanned the area with our night vision equipment. After waiting a while we decided to drive up the old roads which we could access to see if we could see anything. We chose to drive around SR 1050, SR 599 and Lower Spruce Road. We weren't able to confirm the existence of the lights, but maybe we were in the wrong place or at the wrong time. If anyone knows of how we can see these lights, please leave a comment and let us know.
It would be good to try to go along the area with a horse and buggy to see if the lights can be provoked into appearing.
It would be good to try to go along the area with a horse and buggy to see if the lights can be provoked into appearing.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Blue Licks Ghost--Mr. Curtis
Mr. Curtis basically created the Blue Licks Park. He collected items and got the museum constructed. He is buried in the small lot adjacent to the museum, his grave is marked with a granite stone lying on the ground. Some say he still roams the park and museum. I have been told that the small walkway behind the museum is a favorite haunt for him as well as the bush area along the museum entrance.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Native American Gold
One of my friends at work told me a story of how his native american grandfather was taken to see a secret cave filled with gold. He had been blindfolded and driven down backroads to the cave. He believed the cave to be near Winchester, Ky.
It would be nice to get more information. I think the story it true, since the person who told it to me was referring to his own grandfather, not some ambiguous person.
It would be nice to get more information. I think the story it true, since the person who told it to me was referring to his own grandfather, not some ambiguous person.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Wallingford UFO
I've heard all my life about the Wallingford UFO, near Wallingford, Ky. I heard that a UFO had landed near the road between Beachburg and Wallingford. I have driven by the site several times in my life, but never stopped. Recently, I found some web resources for Project Blue Book. I found the attached page. It was on September 7, 1959. It was listed as a hoax. I don't know what was seen. I would like to interview someone who actually saw the UFO, but I think that Blue Book, was assigned the mission, to explain the UFO sightings, not investigate and find out what actually happened.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Visitation
It is said that if you dream of a deceased loved one, you have had a visitation from them. A couple of nights ago I dreamed of my mother. It was a very disturbing dream. I hope it wasn't an omen of things to come. I woke up screaming and was upset for quite a while. So keep in mind if you dream of a deceased loved one it may be much more than just a dream.
Blue Licks Ghost--Injun Joe
One of the named ghost at Blue Licks is Injun Joe. He typically haunts the are around the Curtis Shelter. He has not been know to cause any disruption with any of the park visitors. He has interacted with some of the psychics who have visited the park, to whom he reveled his identity to. To my knowledge, he has not been captured on video or photographs.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Sand Mountain Ghost Lights
I recently found out about the Sand Mountain Ghost Lights. Sand Mountain is located near Mt. Sterling, Ky., between Jeffersonville and Means on Ky 460. The are reported to be white orbs which will follow you around the roads of the area. It was known to be a much more frequent phenomena in the early 1900's but is reported much less now. The area like all others, has become much more populated during the last few years. I believe these lights to be similar to the Brown Mountain Light of North Carolina. I hope to go there soon with my night vision equipment and capture some on film. It is said that they think these may be related to natural gas wells in the area.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
"The Elizaville Ghost Light"
When I was 18 or 19 years old. I was driving home from a movie with a couple of friends. We were driving through a small town called Elizaville, Kentucky. It was very late, or should I say early in the morning and all I wanted to do was to get home and rest. As I drove through the town, I didn't slow down to the posted 35 mph speed limit. I was actually going about 70 or so, which is above the 55 mph highway limit. As I crossed through the center of town under a flashing caution light, I noticed second flashing light in my rear view mirror. I said, "that's it, I'm busted". I began to slow down going up the hill on the East side of town, as I did the light kept getting closer and closer to the rear of the car. When I saw the light wasn't going to stop, I maneuvered the car as close to the curb as I could. Then, the light went over the top of the car and shot straight up, like a missile until it was out of sight. My friends and I were now quite awake and were unsure as to what had happen to us. We talked about the light the rest of the trip and occasionally there after. No one wanted to believe us. I don't know what the light was, some say it may have been ball lighting. It had several colors in it, yellow, red, blue and green. I don't know where it went, but I do slow down going through that town nowadays.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Cowan Short Tunnel
In Cowan, Kentucky, there are 2 rail road tunnels. The short tunnel, has had reports of ghost appearing in and around it. Reportedly, a young woman fell to her death from land above the tunnel. Supposedly, she was pregnant and wasn't married. I have not been able to verify this claim, but several people from around the area told it to me. We investigated the tunnel several times and had several positive images appear in pictures, mostly being orbs. However, we have one very strange photo which we cannot explain.

Some people claim to see faces in the image. Others, don't see any thing. Use your own judgement.
If you go: know that the area has been posted as "No Tresspassing" since we went there several years ago, but it is a scary place. The rail road is still functional, and you should be very careful not to get trapped in the tunnel when a train arrives.

Some people claim to see faces in the image. Others, don't see any thing. Use your own judgement.
If you go: know that the area has been posted as "No Tresspassing" since we went there several years ago, but it is a scary place. The rail road is still functional, and you should be very careful not to get trapped in the tunnel when a train arrives.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What are orbs?
Orbs are thought to be the gathering of energy for a ghost to appear. The stronger the light in the orb, the more energy it has. Some orbs have different colors. Some think a red orb is an evil spirit, where that a white orb is a good spirit. Either way, you can get lot's of orbs from many other sources. NOT ALL ORBS ARE GHOST!!! If you are in a dusty environment, you can have many orbs in a photo, but probably none of them are a ghost. Some orbs may be bugs. Just keep in mind what was going on at the time the photo was taken. For instance... if you are calling upon a spirit to appear, and you photograph an orb, it may be a spirit. Just keep in mind that you should use good judgement as to whether the orb could be a spirit. I recommend that you can keep some false orbs down, by, photographing after there has been a killing frost. Most bugs die or go dormant at that time. Don't photograph in barns or other dusty area which may create false orbs. Either way, have a lot of fun with you ghost hunting and let me know if you get any good evidence.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
My Cousin's Visitor
My mother always told me of a story of one of my cousins who had moved into an old large house in Lexington, Kentucky. Every night after the girl went to bed, she would have the ghost of a woman come out of the closet and set on the foot of her bed. This continued for several nights. The girl was of course afraid at first, but then grew use to the apparition. One night the woman came out and set on the foot of the bed, the girl ask "Can I see your baby?". Afterward, the woman got up and went back into the closet. The girl never saw the woman again.
I wonder why the woman never came back. I think that the woman might have died, giving birth to a child, possibly in that room. I think she was waiting on getting to show someone her baby. Then could move on afterward.
I wonder why the woman never came back. I think that the woman might have died, giving birth to a child, possibly in that room. I think she was waiting on getting to show someone her baby. Then could move on afterward.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Scary Hospital Story
I was 24 years old, I had been helping a friend on their farm, we were going to move their sheep from one part of the farm to another. We were loading the sheep into a cattle trailer to move them. As I went to close the trailer gate, the last sheep turned around, head-butted me, knocked me down and got out of the trailer. I grabbed it by the feet, as it ran over me, and threw it back into the trailer, then kicked the gate closed with my foot. I turned to my friend, Paul, and ask if I was hurt. The look on his face said way more than I needed to know. I was bleeding badly, they took me to my dentist office, since I had braces on my teeth we thought that would be best.
I went in, he cut off my braces and pulled 12 teeth back into their upright position. He took x-rays and said both my upper and lower jaws were crushed. He arranged for me to see a facial surgeon. The surgeon did not want to do anything for a week since my bones were broken into so many fragments, he wanted the healing to begin so they would have something to hold them together.
I checked into the hospital a week later and went into surgery. I got back to the room, I would attempt to get up and go the bathroom, I would start bleeding badly and would nearly pass out. One of the nurses commented that she would have to give me something to keep me in bed, the Dr. said "I'd like to see that, I had to give him everything I had to just keep him out during surgery".
During the night I woke up to screaming from out in the hall. It was an old woman saying "help me they are trying to kill me", repeatedly. I figured it was someone possibly not in good mental condition. It went on for about a half-hour, finally I had to ring the bell to get someone to close my door so I could go back to sleep. I heard the nurses rushing around outside and a bell chiming. Finally, one said, "I hear the bell, but none of the lights are on." I called out to them so they would know it was me, a nurse came in, and ask what I needed, I ask her to close my door so I could go back to sleep, which she did.
The screaming went on, but was only a muffled sound then. So, I fell back to sleep. The next morning, I woke up, at the end of my bed was someone I hadn't seen since high school, it was my friend Mike, I was a little startled, since I new that Mike was now a mortician. For a moment, I wondered if I was still alive. I ask what he was doing there, he said, "the old lady in the next room died last night and he was there to pick-up her body." I have always wondered what happened, and if the lady died of natural causes, or if someone really killed her.
I went in, he cut off my braces and pulled 12 teeth back into their upright position. He took x-rays and said both my upper and lower jaws were crushed. He arranged for me to see a facial surgeon. The surgeon did not want to do anything for a week since my bones were broken into so many fragments, he wanted the healing to begin so they would have something to hold them together.
I checked into the hospital a week later and went into surgery. I got back to the room, I would attempt to get up and go the bathroom, I would start bleeding badly and would nearly pass out. One of the nurses commented that she would have to give me something to keep me in bed, the Dr. said "I'd like to see that, I had to give him everything I had to just keep him out during surgery".
During the night I woke up to screaming from out in the hall. It was an old woman saying "help me they are trying to kill me", repeatedly. I figured it was someone possibly not in good mental condition. It went on for about a half-hour, finally I had to ring the bell to get someone to close my door so I could go back to sleep. I heard the nurses rushing around outside and a bell chiming. Finally, one said, "I hear the bell, but none of the lights are on." I called out to them so they would know it was me, a nurse came in, and ask what I needed, I ask her to close my door so I could go back to sleep, which she did.
The screaming went on, but was only a muffled sound then. So, I fell back to sleep. The next morning, I woke up, at the end of my bed was someone I hadn't seen since high school, it was my friend Mike, I was a little startled, since I new that Mike was now a mortician. For a moment, I wondered if I was still alive. I ask what he was doing there, he said, "the old lady in the next room died last night and he was there to pick-up her body." I have always wondered what happened, and if the lady died of natural causes, or if someone really killed her.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Not Ghosts, But They May Look Like Them
Many times I see pictures of "ghost" which are not. Most often, a photographic cause can be found to many images. It is very easy to make "ghost" images, often by mistake. None of the images below were made on purpose, but they are pretty good examples of photographic phenomena causing unexpected images.

This image was created by a flashlight lying on the rail road tracks and a camera in night mode being moved by the photographer while the shutter was still open. (It is nearly impossible to keep a camera still while in night mode unless you use a tripod)

This image appears to possibly be ectoplasm. But, it is not. See the photo below.

This image is obviously a flashlight, the stream is caused by using night mode on the camera.

Here is a picture of an image at the end of the tunnel, it isn't a ghost, it's me. My son took the picture from the opposite end of the tunnel, be sure you know where everyone is.

This image was created by a flashlight lying on the rail road tracks and a camera in night mode being moved by the photographer while the shutter was still open. (It is nearly impossible to keep a camera still while in night mode unless you use a tripod)

This image appears to possibly be ectoplasm. But, it is not. See the photo below.

This image is obviously a flashlight, the stream is caused by using night mode on the camera.
Here is a picture of an image at the end of the tunnel, it isn't a ghost, it's me. My son took the picture from the opposite end of the tunnel, be sure you know where everyone is.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Floating Coffins, Floyd County, Kentucky
My wife's grandmother lives up in a hollow in Floyd County. She lives on a farm which has an old coal mine and it's own graveyard. She has looked out the windows of her house and seen very strange things, such as a coffin floating across the ground of the graveyard. Strange things have happen, such as the potatos planted in the garden turning into stone. This place is very strange and unsetteling. Sort of the kind of place where strange is normal. You never know what you might see, or think you see. I think it's important to realize the Appalachian mountains are the oldest in the world. Who know what has happened there over the thousands of years they have existed.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Waking Experience, Floyd County, Kentucky
When my mother-in-law was young she went to a wake with her mother. One of the neighbor ladies had died. Going to the neighbor's house required crossing a creek. On the way back from the wake, it had gotten late and dark. Her mother lit a match so they could see to cross the creek. The match jumped out of her hand and they saw a form. It was of the deceased neighbor.
I've heard several haint tales from the mountains in Eastern Kentucky. I will include some of them in my blog. I thought this one was particular interesting.
I've heard several haint tales from the mountains in Eastern Kentucky. I will include some of them in my blog. I thought this one was particular interesting.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Maysville Cemetery, Mason County, Kentucky
On 9-5-09, we visited the Maysville Cemetery in Mason County, Kentucky. We were doing a daytime site exploration and found some things we had never seen. I have several family members buried there, but I had never been to the old part of the cemetery. Some graves as old as the early 1800's. Here are a few pics we took. No paranormal issues to report, but we didn't breakout all the gear, just a digital camera to document land marks.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Places We've Investigated
Here is a brief list of places we've investigated.
--Blue Licks State Resort Park, Robertson County, Kentucky, where the last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought. More than 100 men were killed in the battle. We've captured lots of orb photographs, other photo anomolies and an evp with video orb activity.
--Talbot Tavern, Bardstown, KY. This old tavern was at one time the furthest west stage coach stop. It has hosted Jesse James, who shot holes in the walls in the back room and Louis De Phillipe during his exile, he painted murals on the walls of several rooms.
--Savannah, Georgia, we investigated the Colonial Park Cemetery, Boneventue Cemetery, and several old buildings. I highly recommend Sixth Sense Ghost Tours, for a good historical perspective to the ghost of Savannah.
--St. Augustine, Florida. We captured several orb photo's and had a great time.
--Bethany Cemetery, Mason County, Ky. We investigated the "White Lady of Bethany". We have made several investigations there, including one at midnight on Halloween. We captures several orb photo's and the image of Mary on her tombstone. Please see the previously written blog about our findings.
--Blue Licks State Resort Park, Robertson County, Kentucky, where the last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought. More than 100 men were killed in the battle. We've captured lots of orb photographs, other photo anomolies and an evp with video orb activity.
--Talbot Tavern, Bardstown, KY. This old tavern was at one time the furthest west stage coach stop. It has hosted Jesse James, who shot holes in the walls in the back room and Louis De Phillipe during his exile, he painted murals on the walls of several rooms.
--Savannah, Georgia, we investigated the Colonial Park Cemetery, Boneventue Cemetery, and several old buildings. I highly recommend Sixth Sense Ghost Tours, for a good historical perspective to the ghost of Savannah.
--St. Augustine, Florida. We captured several orb photo's and had a great time.
--Bethany Cemetery, Mason County, Ky. We investigated the "White Lady of Bethany". We have made several investigations there, including one at midnight on Halloween. We captures several orb photo's and the image of Mary on her tombstone. Please see the previously written blog about our findings.
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